
Module 1: Intro, Safety, and Expectations

Lead Instructors:  Lance CoffelFabio ZoninBrett Jones
 Access:  Public   Status:  Active   Lesson:  Part of Course
Welcome to the online version of the StrongFirst Kettlebell Course! In this introductory lesson, Lance and Brett lays out the expectations of the course and cover a number of safety considerations.

Lesson Specs


  1. Watch the Lesson
  2. Take notes on key aspects
  3. Bookmark key points in the Lesson
  4. Ask questions on the Forum
  5. Use Lesson resources to supplement your knowledge

Lesson Chapters

  1. Introduction to the Course
  2. Expectations
  3. Safety
  4. Conclusion: Use Your Judgment

Lead Instructors

Lance Coffel

StrongFirst Certified Senior Emeritus

Lance Coffel, StrongFirst Certified Senior Emeritus, has been in the fitness industry professionally for over 40 years. During that time he's had the opportunity to experience numerous exercise methods. Getting his certification with Pavel in 2006 had a profound impact. He believes that if he was "stranded on a desert island" and had only 1 tool to get strong and conditioned, the kettlebell would be that tool! Lance continues to train with kettlebells on a daily basis and travels for StrongFirst teaching Courses and Certifications.


Fabio Zonin

StrongFirst Certified Master Instructor

Fabio Zonin is a StrongFirst Certified Master Instructor. He is also the Ground Force Method National Director for Italy, the BPro Physical Functional Training Director for Italy, and the Flexible Steel European Director of Operations. Fabio is a former powerlifter, natural bodybuilder, and owner of fitness centers. He was the first Italian to accomplish the Beast Tamer Challenge. He has been a Master Teacher for FIF (Italian Federation of Fitness) for almost two decades (1994-2012) and the former vice president of AINBB (Italian Association of Natural Bodybuilding).


Brett Jones

Director of Education and StrongFirst Certified Master Instructor

Brett Jones, MS, ATC, CSCS, is a Certified Athletic Trainer and Strength and Conditioning Specialist based in Pittsburgh, PA. Mr. Jones holds a Bachelor of Science in Sports Medicine from High Point University, a Master of Science in Rehabilitative Sciences from Clarion University of Pennsylvania, and is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) from the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). Brett is currently the Director of Education for StrongFirst and presenter and advisory board member for Functional Movement Systems.


Other Lessons in This Course

Part of Course

Module 1: Intro, Safety, and Expectations

A kettlebell will get your respect—the easy way or the hard way.

Here is the easy way.

Part of Course

Module 2: Joint Mobility, Warm-Up, and Breathing

We called it a “warm-up” just because you are used to the term. It is much more than that. Our goal is to “make your joints bend easier” to take the brakes off your strength.
Part of Course

Module 3: Deadlift

We challenge you to find an exercise more “functional” than picking up a weight off the ground.

Or a progression as reliable as ours—with two thumbs up from elite powerlifting coaches and medical professionals alike.

Part of Course

Module 4: Two-Arm Swing

Fill your hips with power, your back with vigor, and burn fat like there is no tomorrow.

(Provided you do it right, the StrongFirst way.)

Part of Course

Module 5: One-Arm Swing

Build a sprinter’s glutes, a fighter’s six-pack, and a blue-collar grip with one mean move.
Part of Course

Module 6: Get-Up

This wrestlers and strongmen’s favorite will teach you how to move like an athlete.

(Resilient shoulders and bullet-proof abs are just a bonus.)

Part of Course

Module 7: Goblet Squat

Before Dan John had invented it, we would never have believed that one could get so strong and athletic squatting with such a light weight. Our trademark “prying” version will unlock your tight hips for a freedom of movement you have not felt since you were a kid.
Part of Course

Module 8: Military Press

It will rival any other pressing exercise when it comes to shoulder strength and muscular development.

It is untouchable when it comes to shoulder health, thanks to its ergonomic perfection.

Part of Course

Module 9: High Pull

Who says you need a heavy barbell to build tree swinging traps?
Part of Course

Module 10: Program Design Talk

Our training plans hide heavy duty science under their polished hoods. Exceptionally effective, simple to use, and unlike anything else you have seen. This module alone is worth much more than what you have paid for the entire course.