
Iron Monkey Strength

Iron Monkey Strength has a mission to bring strength and sustainable fitness to communities by helping them learn and master safe and effective lifting techniques. Most new students will be required to complete our 8-12 week Training Program we call the Iron Monkey Rite of Passage. This fundamental onboarding plan teaches new students the standards for the fundamental kettlebell skills (deadlift, swing, clean, goblet squat, press, Getup, squat, and pushpress), as well as the comparable barbell lifts (back squat, deadlift, strict press, bench press, and Pendlay Row) and some basic bodyweight work (narrow squats, cossacks, push ups, and pull-ups). After completing the IMS Rite of Passage, students are give some basic plans to

Gym Owner / Operator Professional Background

1. StrongFirst Qualifications
SFG 1, SFG 2, SFL, StrongFirst Elite, Plan Strong, Alt. Conditioning, Strong Endurance

2. Affiliate Qualifications
NSCA CSCS, FMS, FCS, GFM, Flexible Steel, Flexible Steel Indian Club Instructor,

3. Other Qualifications
CSCS, USAW WL level 1 USAWL Level 2, Catalyst Athletics L1, Bachelors of Fine Arts in Dance, Bioforce Conditioning Coach, Precision Nutrition
Lead Instructor (if different from owner / operator) Professional Background

1. StrongFirst Qualifications

2. Affiliate Qualifications

3. Other Qualifications
Assistant Instructor Name(s) and Professional Background

1. Instructor Names and Backgrounds
Jason Giles SF Elite, CSCS, USWL 2, Catalyst Athletics L1, FRCms, GFM L2, Flexible Steel L1, Indian Clubs, Isabella Correa SFL, USWL L1, GFM L1 Robert Rosado SFG2, GFM L1, Karla Perez SFG, SFL Anthony Giron USAW L1.

2. StrongFirst Qualifications
SFG and SFG 2, Elite, SFL,

3. Affiliate Qualifications

4. Other Qualifications
Additional Information

1. Training modalities / disciplines in use at your gym currently
Kettlebell, Barbell Powerlifting, Olympic Weightlifting, Body weight training, Ground Force Method, General Conditioning

2. Programming in use for private or group classes
We use a unique system by which we require all of our students to complete an 8-12 week program designed to ensure they understand and can train safely the basic Kettlebell and barbell lifts/exercises to StrongFirst standards. We call this program the Iron Monkey Rite of Passage, and have had great success with it. Once a student has completed our Rite of Passage they graduate to an Open Lifter where they can now come in for Supervised Open Lifts and receive regular programming from our head coa

3. Listing of services / classes offered at your facility
Private 1:1 Personal Training Small Group Personal Training (class groups of 1-6 people) Monthly Exercise Planning and Tracking Inbody Testing

4. Demographics of gym users
We have a diverse community of working professionals.

5. Ideal students
People who are looking for place that offers a fun supportive environment that values quality over quantity and consistency over intensity. Our students like to learn and improve everyday. They embrace our values: Strength, Trust, Respect, Knowledge, and Temperance.
Training Equipment at Use in Your Gym Currently

1. Kettlebells (brands, sizes, quantity)
Kettlebells are mostly Kettlebell Kings 4x 6, 4x 8,4x10,4x 12,2x 14,5x16,6x18,4x20,4x22,4x24,6x28,6x32,2x36,2x40,3x44,3x48kg StrongFirst Kettlebells 12k, 14k, 16k, 18k, 20k, 24k, 28k, 32k, 36k, 44k, 48k

2. Pull-up bar (yes / no)
yes we have bars at least 9 feet or higher off of the ground

3. Barbell Equipment (bars, weights, racks, etc.)
Rack, plates, barbells are Rogue: We have 5x 20kg (29mm) Westside PL Bars, 3x 20kg Ohio bars, 3 x 20kg WL bars, 3x 15kg Bella bars, 2 x 15 kg WL training bars, 1x 20 kg Pyrros Bar, and 1x 15 kg Pyrros bar, 1x 5kg technique bar, 1x 10kg tech bar, we have 2 x calibrated 50kg plates, bumpers: 16x 25kg, 16 x20kg, 16 x 15kg, 16 x 10 kg, 16 x 5kg,2.5kg,2kg,1.5kg,1kg (change plates). One 24 foot, racked, Monster rig with one set of flip down safeties, 1 adjustable bench, and 1 flat bench, 1 8x8 platfor

4. Other Equipment
4 swiss ladder stall walls, 2 pairs of olympic rings, 3 rowers, 1 sled, 4 pairs of indian clubs, 30, 40, and 70lbs sandbags, bands, trx, tubing, foamrollers, 2 pairs of Rogues loadable dumbells with plates ranging from 10lbs-55lbs.

Gym Specs

Leader: Jason Giles
Established Date: 2/20/2020
Phone: 5162182948


677 Franklin Avenue
Franklin Square, New York 11010
United States


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